Helping With Your Business Improvement
Business Processes
We firmly believe that the right business processes enable success, ensuring your business is efficient, timescales are effective and that service standards are appropriate and consistently achieved.
We can review and identify ways to streamline and improve your end to end business processes, including assessing the supporting systems where appropriate.
Whether you are seeking or maintaining accreditation to a quality standard such as ISO9001 or simply looking for good practice processes to maintain an effective business, we can help.
Business Requirements
Contracting for services or products, introducing new IT solutions, identifying opportunities for business improvement and many other key aspects of running a business-improvement-key-performance-indicators.
Business will only ever be successful if clear, comprehensive and appropriate business requirements are identified from the start.
We can work across all functions ensuring business requirements relevant to the specific task are articulated properly, are prioritised effectively and the relative importance of each item (from essential through to wish list) is defined.
Change Management
There are many reasons why change management is needed within a business. Regardless of the driver for change it will only be a success if the anticipated benefits to be realised are clear.
The stages to achieving the change are defined appropriately for your organisation (incremental steps through to 'big bang')- what the change is aiming to achieve is clearly communicated across the organisation; communication is effective for both those directly affected by the change and others; implementation of the change takes into account all factors, including any necessary culture change.
We can provide additional resource and an external perspective to support your own team manage change effectively, or we can manage the process end to end for you.
Drafting service contracts, writing or responding to tenders, creating policies and procedures and other business documentation don't necessarily require full time resource, but it is essential to get them right when they are required. We can assess your requirements and create the necessary documentation for you.
Key Performance Indicators
We can evaluate your business to identify the real drivers of success and implement a series of KPIs that help you focus on what really makes a difference to performance.
Businesses often spend a lot of time and effort measuring and reporting on things that have limited impact and / or are reviewed too late for any changes to make a difference. We can help focus the effort on the things that matter, drive the right behaviours and give you a current view of performance to enable effective decision making.
Productivity and Utilisation
Fluctuating workloads are common for many organisations and in addition to finding ways to smooth the peaks and troughs, it is key to understand the available capacity to meet any increased demand. We find that productivity and utilisation, whether relating to people, facilities or equipment, are often treated as one and the same.
We can help you differentiate between them, ensure that appropriate targets are set and can be measured for each, giving you a much clearer view of your capacity for additional work, or the costs of underutilised resources, on a day to day basis
Changes in individual roles and responsibilities and business structures can be beneficial to business growth, service improvement and efficiency. They can be essential when times are tough.
We can review your organisational structures and recommend changes to roles and structures that would make responsibilities clearer and enable people to work more effectively, reducing duplication, filling responsibility gaps, improving communication and reducing frustration. Reorganisation can often improve business performance without having to lose anyone from the organisation. Responsibilities become better suited to people's skills, experience and future expectations and new opportunities can be found for people whose existing role is no longer required. However, where reductions in number of people are required to meet the ongoing and future business requirements, or where the future direction of the organisation is no longer the right environment for some of the existing personnel, we can support the management of redundancies sensitively and with the appropriate exit support, in keeping with the valued service the individuals have previously provided.
Please contact us to discuss your business's requirements.